Loomis, a resident of Canton, is in the practice of civil engineering and graduated from the State
University of Michigan.

The following is an excerpt from the History of Stark County, The Suburban Era, 326: Sewers and
Sewage, pages 261, 262:

City Engineer L. E. Chapin constructed a sewage disposal plant south of town on the present site of
Bauhof Park in 1892-93-the first precipitation plant in the state. A picture of the sewage disposal
works was given in the Canton Repository for May 14, 1893. It contained a building for machinery
an inlet screen chamber, and inlet channel, four precipitation tanks, and effluent chamber, and
sewer and sludge well. It was built before Imhoff tanks were brought to this country from
Germany. Engineer Chapin reported to council that the process was chemical precipitation with
lime and sulfate of alumina being added to the raw sewage.
Loomis Eaton Chapin